Whether this is the first time you’ve commissioned filmed content or you’re a seasoned pro, we think it’s important that the stages involved in any collaboration are structured and transparent. This is how we roll…
We question
The first stage is us getting to know you. We sit down, have a biscuit and discuss what it is you want to achieve and if you have any idea of what that might look like. We’ll be asking a lot of questions at this stage (hence strategic ‘energy’ biscuits) through which we will identify your message. This is the stage where ideas start to blossom.
We take everything you’ve told us and begin the exciting job of figuring out how your film will end up looking. We then come to you with a treatment which shows you the plan. You love it, and sign it off.
We develop
We create
This is where the magic happens as we film your content.
We take the footage we’ve shot and craft it into whatever end products you’ve opted for. This could include trailers, social media teasers/stories and behind the scenes edits to accompany your final film.
We amplify
We deliver
We hand all of your delicious, de-lovely films over to you and everyone lives happily ever after.